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Coming Soon Status: Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
PAAR permits listings to be entered in the Coming Soon status, subject to certain rules (see PAAR MLS Rules & Regulations Section 8.8 for the complete rules). Review these frequently asked questions prior to using the Coming Soon status to ensure you remain in compliance. Contact with any additional questions.
What is the Coming Soon status?
The Coming Soon status allows listing brokers and agents to place a listing in the MLS for cooperation for up to 30 days while preparing the property (e.g. staging, professional photos, repairs, etc.) without Days on Market (DOM) accruing.
Do I need seller permission to use the Coming Soon status? Is a form required?
Yes. You must obtain a seller-signed copy prior to using the Coming Soon status. PAAR requires such permission to be in writing, which can be obtained using the Coming Soon form that PAAR makes available. You can find the Coming Soon form on TransactionDesk, the MLS Intranet, and the Contracts & Forms page on your member portal.
Do I need to send a copy of the Coming Soon form to PAAR before using the Coming Soon status?
No. However, PAAR staff reserves the right to require the listing broker to provide a copy if requested.
Can I put a property in the Coming Soon Status while I work to secure the listing?
No. The property must have a valid listing agreement to be entered into the MLS.
When should a Coming Soon listing be entered into the MLS?
Within 1 business day of publicly marketing the property or by the end of the third day after all necessary signatures of the seller(s) have been obtained on the listing, whichever comes first.
What date do I use for the Listing Date on a Coming Soon listing?
The Listing Date is the date all necessary signatures have been obtained on the listing contract.
How many days can my listing be in the Coming Soon status?
Listings can be in the Coming Soon status for a maximum of 30 days from the listing date.
How do I enter a listing as Coming Soon in Flexmls?
Begin by entering a listing as you normally would. On the listing input screen, use the drop-down menu to change the status from Active to Coming Soon under the Main Fields tab. Below the status field, you will be prompted to enter the On-Market Date.
What is the On-Market date?
The On-Market Date is the date the listing will automatically transition to Active status. This date cannot exceed 30 days from the listing date. The On-Market Date is required for entry.
Can I modify the On-Market Date once the listing is entered as Coming Soon?
Yes. The change needs to be made prior to the current On-Market Date and the new On-Market Date cannot exceed the 30-day timeframe allotted for Coming Soon.
Does the Primary Photo Requirement apply while the listing is in Coming Soon status?
A photo is required for entering a listing (technical requirement), but for listings entered in the Coming Soon status it does not need to be of the property. If you do not have pictures ready when the listing goes in the Coming Soon status, you may upload a temporary photo like the one below. Contact MLS staff for a sample temporary photo. (Please also take care not to download a stock photo from the internet without the appropriate permission.) Listing photos following the Primary Photo Requirement must be uploaded before the listing becomes Active.
Can I show a property that is in the Coming Soon status?
No. Listings in the Coming Soon status may not be shown by anyone to anyone. This includes, but is not limited to, Open Houses and Virtual Showings. In the event that a seller desires that a Coming Soon listing be shown, the listing status must be changed to Active prior to the showing.
Can I pre-schedule a showing appointment for after the On-Market date?
Yes. ShowingTime will automatically block off all days leading up to the On-Market Date allowing you to schedule an appointment for after the listing becomes Active.
Can I advertise a future open house while the property is in the Coming Soon status?
Yes. ShowingTime will automatically block off all days leading up to the On-Market Date allowing you to schedule an appointment for after the listing becomes Active.
Can I publicly market a Coming Soon listing?
Yes. As long as the listing is in the MLS for cooperation with other participants, the property may be publicly marketed by the listing broker (e.g., via flyers, For Sale signs, social media posts, etc.) so long as the marketing indicates the property is coming soon. Cooperating brokers may share the listing with their clients and customers, and may market the property with the permission of the listing broker.
Who can see Coming Soon listings?
All PAAR participants and subscribers can see listings in the Coming Soon status in the MLS system.
Do Coming Soon listings syndicate?
No. MLS does not distribute Coming Soon listings through IDX or to any third-party real estate advertising sites, such as
Can I present a "sight unseen" offer on a Coming Soon listing to the seller?
Yes. Unless specifically waived in writing by the seller and listing broker, the listing agent must deliver all offers to the seller. (A.A.C. R4-28 802(B); PAAR MLS Rules & Regulations Section 10.4)
My sellers have accepted a sight unseen offer before the listing transitioned to Active status, but there is no option to change the status to Pending. What do I do?
The status will need to be changed to Active prior to placing in Pending status.
Can I re-list my Coming Soon listing?
No. Once the listing transitions from Coming Soon status to Active status, it cannot revert back to Coming Soon status during the terms of the same listing agreement. Listings entered in any other status may not be changed to the Coming Soon status.
I accidentally entered a listing as Active instead of Coming Soon. How do I fix it?
Please contact PAAR MLS staff at or (928) 445-2663.
Does PAAR still have the Delayed Listing status?
No. As of March 1, 2022, the Coming Soon status replaced the Delayed Listing status.
My seller does not want their property on the MLS. What do I do?
If a seller refuses to permit the listing to be entered into the MLS, the listing agent may file the listing as an Office Exclusive. Filing of the listing must be accompanied by the Office Exclusive Addendum. Office Exclusive listings may not be publicly marketed in any way. However, if they are, then within one (1) business day of marketing to the public, the listing must be submitted to the MLS. (See PAAR MLS Rules & Regulations Sections 8.7 and 8.9.)
How can I report a Coming Soon listing that is NOT in the MLS?
To submit a report for a property that is being marketed and not on the MLS, click here.
What is the fine for violating the Coming Soon policy?
- Fine Level C ($500): Showing a Coming Soon Listing/Failure to mark listing Active prior to the showing
- Fine Level D ($1,000): Failure to obtain Seller Authorization prior to placing a listing in Coming Soon status